Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ethnocentrism II
...and back on the home front, watch parents dictate suitors to their children! I personally feel any father or mother who tries to manipulate or dissuade his or her grown-up child from marrying anybody they choose on the basis of tribe, is utterly a ‘terrified- child-in-grown-up –body’! and should bury his/her head in shame. It is indeed a shameful thing! They have disregarded the honour accorded them by their children and betrayed their trust as well..
...STRIVE to carry them (your parents) along as best as you can and if they continue to use emotional blackmail against you, shake the dust off your feet and move on! Love conquers all!

My school of thot tells me peace ‘at all cost’,is no peace at all; it’s merely a ticking time bomb! One’s personal happiness is of uttermost importance if he must make fool proof of his sojourn here on earth.
When we all stand in front of our maker to give account of our sojourn here, it will be as stand alones- individuals and not as affiliations or paired appendages to other people.
I know of many igbo parents who will complain that the reason for this ethnocentrism is the Nigerian civil war, how the Yoruba man betrayed the igbos, and the hausa man ‘daggering’ them up north, hmm.
Is it the yoruba man as sophisticated as he is when it comes to ‘owambe’ parties and all, or the hausa man who is so religiously astute? Let’s not go near the over 200 other tribes who use the minority propaganda as their own excuse. Every single tribe is guilty of this problem; if not why the clamour for more local government areas?
Ethnocentrism may not be a big issue with you and that's because you've learnt how to deal with it...
...Let this be a wake up call to the timid, whose identity is still in crisis!

'Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, ' I said, "You are gods"? John 10:34